最新中文版【App Inventor 2 教學 範例 2018 】
【MIT App Inventor 2 (AI2)入門與範例】(2014)
AI2 執行需要:(不需要安裝 Java JRE or Java JDK)
1.要有 Google帳號 和 使用Google Chrome瀏覽器:
Google Chrome瀏覽器: Google Chrome Portable 31.0.1650.63 穩定版 免安裝中文版
2.需要使用Android模擬器要安裝App Inventor Setup Software
PC安裝軟體: 安裝 MIT_App_Inventor_Tools_2.3.0_win_setup
【MIT App Inventor 2 (AI2)入門練習】
ex3 數位塗鴉畫圖 DigitalDoodle Drawing App
【MIT App Inventor 2 (AI2)入門範例】
ex1. 文字轉語音 TalkToMe Text-to-Speech App
ex2. 擴充文字轉語音(搖晃) Extended TalkToMe App: Shake!
ex3. 彈跳球 BallBounce Game App
ex4. 數位塗鴉畫圖 DigitalDoodle Drawing App
【MIT App Inventor 2(AI2)Basic範例】
ex1. Hello Purr for App Inventor 2
ex2. 魔術8號球 Magic 8-ball for App Inventor 2 (Game,Accelerometer)
ex3. MoleMash for App Inventor 2 (Sprites,Clock Timer,Game)
ex4. 照片塗鴉 PaintPot (Part 1) for App Inventor 2 (Drawing Canvas)
ex5. PicCall for App Inventor 2
ex6. PaintPot (Part 2) for App Inventor 2 (Drawing Canvas)
【MIT App Inventor 2(AI2)Intermediate範例】
ex1. I01_Get the Gold for App Inventor 2(Sprites,Drawing Canvas,Game)
ex2. I02_Paint Pot Extended with Camera (AI2)
ex3. I03_Mole Mash 2 with Sprite Layering for App Inventor 2
ex4. I04_VideoWall for App Inventor 2
ex5. I05_StockQuotes for App Inventor 2
ex6. I06_Mini Golf: Fling, TouchUp, TouchDown Gestures for App Inventor 2
ex8. I08_No Text While Driving for AI2
ex9. I09_QuizMe for App Inventor 2
ex10. I10_Sharing Component: send files and text with the app of your choice
【MIT App Inventor 2(AI2)Advanced範例】
ex01 A01_Colored Dots for App Inventor 2
ex02 A02_Pizza Party with Fusion Tables for App Inventor 2
ex04 A04_Android, Where's My Car? for App Inventor 2
ex05 A05_Map It: Displaying Locations on a Google Map
ex06 A06_Exploring with Location Sensor in AI2
【O'Reilly.App Inventor.Create Your Own Android Apps教材】
[REF]Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2